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Revealed: Pentagon knew in 2012 that it would take 75,000 GROUND TROOPS to secure Syria?s chemical weapons facilities Daily Mail (U.K.), by?David Martosko |
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Posted By:Desert Fox, 9/4/2013 9:05:55 PM |
Securing Syria?s chemical weapons stockpiles and the facilities that produced them would likely require the U.S. to send more than 75,000 ground troops into the Middle Eastern country, MailOnline learned Wednesday. That estimate comes from a secret memorandum the U.S. Department of Defense prepared for President Obama in early 2012. U.S. Central Command arrived at the figure of 75,000 ground troops as part of a written series of military options for dealing with Bashar al-Assad more than 18 months ago, long before the U.S. confirmed internally that the Syrian dictator was using the weapons against rebel factions within his borders. ?The report exists,
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
Pros7767, 9/4/2013 9:33:39 PM?????(No. 9506105)
So let me get this straight. The Arab world will pay for our soldiers to go into Syria to clean up their mess. Obama is turning our military into a bunch of mercenaries, except they?re not getting the money, our government is and our boys are coming home in body bags. The hell with the Middle East (except Israel), and the hell with a Congress that would vote to support this.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
TruthAndJustice, 9/4/2013 9:50:25 PM?????(No. 9506120)
This was revealed today Durbin let the cat out of the bag.. ".you can?t shut down government if we are at war"...he stated. This war is about holding on to their American gulag...dontfundobamacare has gained such traction and saturation.... that the Dems will even go to war to hold on to Obamacare
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
mc squared, 9/4/2013 9:52:32 PM?????(No. 9506124)
One would think that Bami knows this and is using every pretense to give Syria to the Bro?hood.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
ruready?, 9/4/2013 10:05:11 PM?????(No. 9506129)
#4, You make an excellent point. Maybe its time to negotiate. Syria and no Obamacare. Let?s see how bad Obama wants to go to war.
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Reply 7 - Posted by:
Topic Thunder, 9/4/2013 10:07:44 PM?????(No. 9506133)
Naturally, men are gonna have to be killed, possibly a lot of them. They?ll absorb bullets and shrapnel, and by doing so make it possible for others to get through...say five percent killed by our own barrage that?s a very generous allowance. Ten percent more again in no man?s land, and twenty percent more again into the wire. That leaves sixty-five percent, and the worst part of the job over. Let?s say another twenty-five percent in actually taking the Ant Hill we?re still left with a force more than adequate to hold it. General, you?re saying that more than half my men will be killed. Yes, it?s a terrible price to pay, Colonel. ??Click Here if you Like this Comment ?? ??2?persons like this.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
trapper, 9/4/2013 10:34:32 PM?????(No. 9506151)
The "no boots on the ground" lie laid bare. They will say they are not there "for the purpose of combat operations" [language of the resolution] but only to secure Assad?s chemical weapons. Their intention from the start has been to send tens of thousands of ground troops into Syria. If you search hard enough on the internet you will find this has been in the works for quite a while, long before the August 21 "attack" supposedly perpetrated by Assad. If they had just been up front and honest about it, it might have gone easier. "Go get the chemical weapons so al Qaeda can?t get them" would have been an easier sell than this. But hey, why tell the truth when you can make up a pack of lies? Oh, and when they DO get them, will they show us the Iraqi markings on them that show they were Saddam?s?
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
Crosscut, 9/4/2013 10:34:39 PM?????(No. 9506152)
What action our government chooses to use in Syria could be the last straw that could finally result in a massive march on Washington. Obama had better decide wisely and be prepared for the consequences.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Babsathome, 9/4/2013 10:43:37 PM?????(No. 9506160)
Stupid Headline- very stupid. What the heck do these dimwits think goes on at the War Colleges? Possible plans are made. Contingencies drawn up, great minds exchange ideas or maybe they sit around buttering biscuits. Sheesh! ??Click Here if you Like this Comment ?? ??12?persons like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
bob913, 9/4/2013 11:05:33 PM?????(No. 9506177)
So planned all along by the democrats to get the muslim brotherhood in power.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
noddy, 9/4/2013 11:30:08 PM?????(No. 9506199)
Issue our troops with slippers and Kerry will be right. Our bumbling politicians could be replaced with the Keystone Cops and things might improve; couldn?t be any worse. Not only are they arguing among themselves, they are all telling us lies, different lies depending on who is at the microphone.
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Trigger2, 9/5/2013 7:44:45 AM?????(No. 9506420)
Soooo, it?s been Barry?s mission from 2012. He sat around for a whole year until a crisis popped up and he didn?t want it to go to waste. After all, the caliphate must be ushered in.
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Below, you will find ...Most Recent Articles posted by "Desert Fox" and Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Most Recent Articles posted by "Desert Fox"
Revealed: Pentagon knew in 2012 that it would take 75,000 GROUND TROOPS to secure Syria?s chemical weapons facilities
Daily Mail (U.K.), by David Martosko???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 9:05:55 PM ???
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Securing Syria?s chemical weapons stockpiles and the facilities that produced them would likely require the U.S. to send more than 75,000 ground troops into the Middle Eastern country, MailOnline learned Wednesday. That estimate comes from a secret memorandum the U.S. Department of Defense prepared for President Obama in early 2012. U.S. Central Command arrived at the figure of 75,000 ground troops as part of a written series of military options for dealing with Bashar al-Assad more than 18 months ago, long before the U.S. confirmed internally that the Syrian dictator was using the weapons against rebel factions within his borders. ?The report exists,
Alleged chemical weapons sites can?t be bombed safely: experts
Associated Press, by Staff???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 9:03:29 PM ???
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WASHINGTON ? You can?t safely bomb a chemical weapon storehouse into oblivion, experts say. That?s why they say the United States is probably targeting something other than Syria?s nerve agents. Now, however, there is concern that bombing other sites could accidentally release dangerous chemical weapons that the U.S. military did not know were there because they?ve lost track of some of the suspected nerve agents. Bombing stockpiles of chemical weapons ? purposely or accidentally ? will likely kill nearby civilians in an accidental nerve agent release, create a long-lasting environmental catastrophe or both, experts said. That?s because under ideal conditions ? and
Pentagon may take charge of arming Syrian rebels: US officials
Agence France Presse, by Staff???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 9:02:27 PM ???
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Washington is weighing expanding support for Syrian rebels by having the Pentagon take charge of arming the opposition instead of a clandestine effort by the CIA, officials said Wednesday. "It?s under consideration," said a US official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "If and how (it would be done) are both questions being discussed," the official told AFP. The Wall Street Journal first reported the possible change on Wednesday. After concluding in June that the Syrian regime used sarin gas in a small-scale attack, President Barack Obama?s administration decided to start supplying weapons to the rebels through the Central Intelligence Agency. But after another alleged
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The GOP and Syria: Feckless, and Fecklesser
American Thinker, by J. Robert Smith???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 8:29:14 PM ???
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Speaker John Boehner and his boy, Sherman (aka, Eric Cantor), came out yesterday in support of President Obama?s efforts to embroil the U.S. in the Syrian civil war (or proxy war, to some). Clearly, Boehner and Cantor aren?t bucking for Red Badges of Courage, unless, once again, thumbing their noses at grassroots conservatives (and a majority of Americans) counts as courage. Let?s chalk up Boehner?s and Cantor?s support for Mr. Obama to the same timidity and left-footedness that has marked too much of Boehner?s tenure. As frequent American Thinker contributor Pamela Geller wrote at WND yesterday: And it isn?t just McCain. John Boehner
On Syria, I Respectfully Dissent
National Review Online, by Andrew C. McCarthy???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 8:25:46 PM ???
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I respectfully dissent from the editors? support for U.S. military intervention in Syria, which expands on the corporate position National Review staked out last week. While the credibility of an American president is no small thing, it is simply wrong to equate Barack Obama?s credibility with that of the United States, as the editors do: ?The other [option left to Congress besides green-lighting an attack on Syria] is to turn [Obama] down and destroy the president?s credibility, and hence the nation?s.? (Emphasis added.) Ironically, their editorial goes on to deride conservative opponents of military intervention as overly simplistic. But it is
The Beltway Choom Gang
Wall Street Journal, by Editorial???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:52:41 PM ???
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One irony of the Syria debate is that President Obama is now appealing for support on foreign policy from a Congress that he treats with contempt on domestic issues. Witness, in merely the latest example, his decision to suspend the enforcement of a federal drug law because it doesn?t fit his political agenda. In a sweeping memorandum last week, the Justice Department all but ordered U.S. attorneys nationwide not to enforce federal marijuana laws. The memo was a long-delayed response to voter referenda last November in Colorado and Washington states that legalized adult recreational use of marijuana, not merely in the
Nobel Winner Coase Showed The Limits Of Big Government
Investor?s Business Daily, by Editorial???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:51:32 PM ???
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Economics: It wouldn?t be right to let the passing of one of the 20th century?s great economists, Nobel winner Ronald Coase, go without comment. You might not know his name, but his ideas have surely affected you. The unassuming Coase died this week at 102, productive to the very end: He published his final book, "How China Became Capitalist," in 2012. Talk about longevity. The article that won him fame ? "The Nature of the Firm" ? was published back in 1937. It?s still called the most-cited economic text ever. But Coase?s most influential idea came from a 1960 article, "The Problem
Why ?Duck Dynasty? Viewers Heed Its Call
Wall Street Journal, by Adam Chandler???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:48:01 PM ???
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Fans of reality TV have long tuned in to gawk at the curiosities of American subculture. Unfortunately, the country on display is typically a blooper reel of drunken brawling ("Jersey Shore"), cutthroat competition and casual racism ("Big Brother"), and amateur singers enduring needless pain for cash prizes ("Killer Karaoke"). Is there any show that paints an admirable, more accurate portrait of life in the U.S.? Unlikely as it might seem, "Duck Dynasty" might fit the bill. The A&E show, now in its fourth season, has managed to become the most popular reality program in cable history. The season premiere on Aug.
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Waging War Against Syria: Madness On The Potomac
Investor?s Business Daily, by Doug Bandow???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:47:04 PM ???
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The U.S. faces no serious military threat today, yet is constantly at war. Today U.S. naval vessels are clustering in the Eastern Mediterranean, with Syria the latest target. Traditionally, Washington did not look for wars to fight. The government?s overriding duty is to protect the American people ? their lives, liberties, prosperity and nation. Measured on this scale, there is no cause for entering the bloody Syrian imbroglio. The regime has little capacity to harm the U.S. or to resist the overwhelming retaliation that would occur in response to any attack. Syria?s chemical weapons have little more utility than high explosives and
Blurred Red Lines
Wall Street Journal, by Editorial???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:45:26 PM ???
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President Obama isn?t easy to follow up San Juan Hill, or for that matter even Capitol Hill. Rather than walk point on national security, he prefers to blend in with the enlisted men and women. Consider his astonishing statement on Wednesday at a press conference in Stockholm about his comments last year drawing a "red line" on the use of chemical weapons by Bashar Assad in Syria. "First of all, I didn?t set a red line," the President said. "The world set a red line. The world set a red line when governments representing 98% of the world?s population said the
Congress May Inadvertently Endorse New U.S. World Role
Investor?s Business Daily, by Editorial???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 7:40:34 PM ???
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Change: In authorizing limited strikes on Syria, Congress may inadvertently give its stamp of approval to an ideological revolution in the use of U.S. power. Our military can?t and shouldn?t be a global genocide watchdog. It struck many observers as strange that Barack Obama would suddenly act totally out of character and ask permission for something from a Congress with one house controlled by Republicans. After all, he?s been imperially presidential on ObamaCare, gun ownership, recess appointments, immigration, Egypt, Libya and plenty of other issues. On Wednesday, Obama was, oddly, trying to put big pressure on Congress from that geopolitical epicenter, Scandinavia. He
MSNBC Panel Goes After GOP for ?Obama Derangement Syndrome,? Forgets Bush Hatred
Newsbuaters, by Brad Wilmouth???
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Posted By: Desert Fox- 9/4/2013 5:42:21 PM ???
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On Tuesday?s PoliticsNation on MSNBC, Dana Milbank of the Washington Post and MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor joined host Al Sharpton to lambast the GOP for suffering from "Obama Derangement Syndrome," picking up on criticism of President Obama putting his foot on his desk in the Oval Office, without noting any of the visceral hatred felt toward George W. Bush by the Democratic base during his time as President. At one point, Milbank may have been vaguely hinting at hatred coming from Democrats in the past, although the Washington Post columnist accused the GOP of greater transgression as he claimed that Republicans
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Non-Black America Experiences a Paradigm Shift
American Thinker, by John Ross???
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Posted By: DW626- 9/4/2013 5:53:45 AM ???
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There is a sea change occurring in America fifty years after MLK Jr.?s "I Have a Dream" speech. This paradigm shift is spreading with the growing realization among our citizens that Black America (including our president) seems to hate Non-Black America. Temper this sweeping statement with the fact that blacks in America may genuinely like non-black individuals, just as whites in 1850 who believed blacks were a lower form of life still knew individual black men they respected for their particular talents and/or character.
Obama Greets Putin With ?Historic Death Stare? At G-20 Summit
Breitbart the Conversation, by Debra Heine???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 9/5/2013 11:36:25 AM ???
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The intense moment was posted on Twitter by CNBC?s Eamon Javers and described by Brett Logiurato of Business Insider as the president giving Putin "a significantly intense death stare upon their meeting at the G20 summit in St. Petersburg, Russia." [Tweet, Photo] National Journal?s Matt Vasilogambros was less dramatic in his description of the 15 second meeting between the two leaders, calling it "awkward and friendly", and surmising that as Obama walked away, Putin thought to himself,
Senators strike deal on wording for new resolution authorizing force against Syria
New York Times, by Ed O?Keefe???
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Posted By: LittleHoodedMonk- 9/3/2013 11:30:55 PM ???
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Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee reached an agreement late Tuesday on wording of a new resolution authorizing U.S. military force against the Syrian government. The resolution would permit up to 90 days of military action against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, beginning with 60 days and the option of 30 more pending President Obama?s notification of Congress, according to a copy of the resolution provided by Senate aides. The resolution also bars the deployment of U.S. combat troops into Syria, but would permit the deployment of a small rescue mission,
John Kerry stumbles as he puts case for Syria attack to Congress
Telegraph [UK], by Raf Sanchez???
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Posted By: Attercliffe- 9/3/2013 11:01:44 PM ???
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John Kerry stumbled under pressure from both Democrats and Republicans today as he brought the White House?s case for war in front of Congress for the first time. During a marathon three-hour appearance before the Senate, Mr Kerry at first said US ground forces could be deployed if "Syria imploded" but later insisted there "will be not be American boots on the ground". The US secretary of state also drew bewildered responses from both parties as he insisted that President Barack Obama was "not asking America to go to war", a claim that not even America?s top general seemed prepared
Obama: I didn?t draw the red line on Syria, world did
McClatchy News, by Lesley Clark???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 9/4/2013 10:36:34 AM ???
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St. Petersburg, Russia -- President Barack Obama on Wednesday declared the world?s credibility ?is on the line? when it comes to punishing Syrian President Bashar Assad for his regime?s purported use of chemical weapons. Speaking at a press conference in Stockholm, Sweden, ahead of a global economic summit in Russia where he will seek to rally support for a U.S. military strike against Syria, Obama said the ?red line? he set against a year ago against Syria?s use of chemical weapons isn?t his, but an international standard. ?I didn?t set a red line, the world set a red line,? Obama
Sarah Palin?s offensive remarks about Syria
CNN.com, by Dean Obeidallah???
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Posted By: gator- 9/4/2013 9:41:52 AM ???
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That is Sarah Palin?s succinct argument against U.S. intervention into Syria. And I have to be honest: I?m impressed with Palin on this one. Not with her horribly callous recommendation, made via Facebook late last week, but because she appears to speak some Arabic. I?m not saying Palin is fluent in the language, but she did use the Arabic word "Allah." She could?ve simply used the word "God" instead of Allah since it has the identical meaning. (Christian Arabs use the word Allah when speaking of God in Arabic.)
Jeb Bush Giving HillaryClinton a Medal for Advancing ?Ideals of Freedom?
Cybercast News Service, by Barbara Hollingsworth???
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Posted By: tisHimself- 9/5/2013 7:24:14 AM ???
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Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will present the National Constitution Center?s (NCC) 2013 Liberty Medal to Hillary Clinton during a Sept. 10 ceremony in Philadelphia, one day before the first-year anniversary of the terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya while Clinton was secretary of state. ?The Liberty Medal recognizes individuals who have furthered the ideals of freedom, democracy, and equality, often against great odds,? NCC President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen said. ?Hillary Clinton has devoted her life to expanding opportunities for ?We the People? not just in this country but around the globe.? ?Former Secretary Clinton has dedicated her life to
Chelsea Manning seeks presidential pardon for actions ?made out of a concern for my country?
Associated Press, by Staff???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 9/4/2013 9:58:50 AM ???
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HAGERSTOWN, Md. ? Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning is seeking a presidential pardon for leaking reams of classified information that her lawyer says did not merit protection. The Pvt. Manning Support Network released documents Wednesday that defense attorney David Coombs filed a day earlier with the U.S. Justice Department and the Department of the Army. Manning, previously known as Bradley Manning, has declared her desire to live as a woman while serving a 35-year prison sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. In her petition for pardon and commutation of sentence, Manning writes: "The decisions I made in 2010 were made out of
Kerry: Arab countries offered to pay for invasion
Wahington Post, by Aaron Blake???
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Posted By: Sanchin- 9/4/2013 3:33:25 PM ???
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Secretary of State John Kerry said at Wednesday?s hearing that Arab counties have offered to pay for the entirety of unseating President Bashar al-Assad if the United States took the lead militarily. ?With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes,? Kerry said. ?They have. That offer is on the table.? Asked by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute, Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan forcibly shaved in prison
Associated Press, by Staff???
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Posted By: JoniTx- 9/3/2013 9:47:34 PM ???
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FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. ? The Army psychiatrist sentenced to death for the Fort Hood shooting rampage has been forcibly shaved, an Army spokesman said Tuesday. Maj. Nidal Hasan began growing a beard in the years after the November 2009 shooting that left 13 dead and 30 wounded. The beard prompted delays to his court-martial because it violated Army grooming regulations. He was convicted of all charges last month at his court-martial at the Central Texas Army post and sentenced to death. Now, Hasan is an inmate at the U.S. Detention Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., home to the military death
Bill Clinton pretending to be a vegan so he can talk about being a vegan
Daily Caller, by Charles C. Johnson???
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Posted By: mitzi- 9/4/2013 11:24:01 AM ???
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President Bill Clinton has been telling everyone he is a vegan since 2009, but it turns out Clinton?s a liar. The former president, who has been enlisted to sell the nation on Obamacare, told reporters that he was joining his daughter, Chelsea, in an all vegan diet after he had had heart trouble. He was even named PETA?s person of the year in 2010. But in a recent interview with AARP, Clinton said he ate salmon and omelets once a week. ?Once a week or so, [Clinton] will have a helping of organic salmon or an omelet made with omega-3-fortified eggs,
Rockets in Syrian Attack Carried Large Payload of Gas, Experts Say
New York Times, by William Broad???
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Posted By: FlyRight- 9/5/2013 6:55:46 AM ???
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A new study of images apparently from the Syrian attack last month concludes that the rockets delivering toxic sarin gas to neighborhoods around Damascus held up to 50 times more nerve agent than previously estimated, a conclusion that could solve the mystery of why there were so many more victims than in previous chemical attacks. The Times is providing updates, analysis and public reaction from around the world. The study, by leading weapons experts, also strongly suggests that the mass of toxic material could have come only from a large stockpile. American, British and French officials have charged that only
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